Medical cannabis
Employee Rights & Responsibilities
Medical cannabis - employee rights & responsibilities
Long before recreational cannabis was legal, “medical marijuana” was prescribed to treat a wide range of conditions. This reality often proved difficult to balance with how one earns a living, especially in less progressive eras. Many patients are still forced to contend with the tricky grey area this treatment can cause in the workplace. Even with new regulations in place, employers still retain the right to institute zero-tolerance policies-- especially in cases where public or personal safety is a concern.
When considering medical cannabis use and its dynamic with professional life, the keys to a successful employee-employer relationship are: two-way participation throughout the process; and open, honest communication on both sides. Understanding your role as a user of medical cannabis is essential in understanding your rights and responsibilities as an employee. After completing our Medical Cannabis course, you will have a detailed understanding-- as well as information on accommodation, disclosure and even wrongful or rightful dismissal.
Once you achieve a passing grade of 80% or higher on the course quiz, we will issue you a Certificate of Completion-- a valuable addition to your resume, social media profile or any list of professional qualifications.